Author: Riaz Kanani
How well do you know your Data?
Modern marketing programmes are built on data…But how well do you know your data? Knowing which data you need – and more importantly when to invest in it is critical to sales and marketing today. Investing too early can mean that it is stale by the time you need it – investing too late and…
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Is ABM just Demand Generation?
Understanding the differences There has always been a certain learning curve to implementing account based marketing. We typically work closely with our clients implementing it as a result. The journey takes one of two routes – either targeting a small group of known accounts or a much larger group of unknown ones. Either makes sense…
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The 414: Should you be embracing or avoiding Account Based Marketing?
Account Based Marketing, or ABM, continues to be adopted by companies seeking to gain a step change in their marketing efforts. But it is not for everyone. It remains a strategy for B2B companies selling to enterprise. Last week, I sat down with James Rostance, Presenter of The 414 and the UK’s No.1 B2B Marketing…
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ThinkHuman: Emotional Intelligence
The phrase Emotional Intelligence (EQ) first appeared back in 1964. But it was Daniel Goleman who made the phrase famous when he released his book Emotional Intelligence in 1995. Goleman says that emotional intelligence was as important as IQ for success. This included the academic, professional, social, and interpersonal parts of life. At work today,…
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ThinkHuman: Group Dynamics
When we started to pull this series together, we wanted to understand the individual. Specifically, how people consume, engage and buy from companies. The foundations that underpin marketing best practice. And yet, put a group of people together and suddenly the dynamics change.
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ThinkHuman: Becoming the Influencer
Today, it is difficult to stand out due to amount of noise in the market. Becoming a leader in your particular niche, whether that is on behalf of a company or as an individual, is critical to building success and creating influence.
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Launching ThinkHuman: Storytelling
This week we are launching Think Human. It seeks to guide you across multiple episodes on a series of different aspects of psychology and marketing you can adapt to suit the world we are in today.
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Let’s Talk Account Based Marketing
At its core, Account Based Marketing is just great enterprise B2B marketing. But it is its ability to scale and still deliver that is seeing its rise. I sat down with Declan Mulkeen over at Strategic IC to talk about the topic, its growth due to Covid-19 and why the majority of B2B marketers are…
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Podcast: Great Account Based Marketing Examples
The past few months have seen focus on account based marketing increase thanks to its ability to focus spend and efforts on sectors that are not cutting back due to the coronavirus pandemic. Dave Stephens from the Business Marketing Club sat down with myself, Riaz Kanani, Founder/CEO at Radiate B2B and Head of Business Marketing…
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B2B Sales and Marketing in the face of uncertainty
Crises force change and innovation. This one is no different. For years there have been slow moving digital transformation projects required cultural change in the business. Suddenly all those managers who said the change was impossible have had no choice but to scramble and make it happen.
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