Account Based Advertising (Company Targeted Advertising)

Account Based Advertising or Company Targeted Advertising is a targeting approach that is new in B2B Advertising. Instead of selecting industries or personas, you select companies to target. You don't need to rely on others' definitions of industries.

Ad delivery happens over programmatic display networks and social media platforms like LinkedIn. You are also able to narrow the targeting down to just the right people at those companies. This results in extraordinary brand awareness inside your target list and because the targeting is at the company level, you can identify how many ads reached each company and which of them actually engaged with your advertising.

Increased Media Efficiency

By targeting only the companies you want, you can spend more on just those companies and increase media efficiency by not targeting those companies you do not care about.

Target companies that match your ideal customers. Target the right people. With the right message. Unsurprisingly this sees uplifts in results. From a recent case study, a global SaaS platform saw:


uplift in website visits


as likely to demo


uplift in average contract value

How to use account based advertising

Account based advertising can impact across your pipeline. From the earliest touchpoints right through to renewal. That makes it an incredibly powerful tool to support sales, marketing and customer success teams and changes the way you approach campaigns. In fact, account based advertising campaigns are really ongoing programmes that target the right content, to the right companies, at the right frequency throughout the year.

Net new accounts

When creating an ideal customer profile (ICP), the majority of companies on the list are ones that have barely been touched, if at all. These companies benefit from a brand led channel like account based advertising that allows you to cut through the noise in the market. Deliver key messages from afar, showing expertise and leadership, which in turn warms up accounts for closer touchpoints like social media, email and phone.

Pipeline acceleration

Once an account is in the pipeline, the messaging requirements shift. Introductory messaging showing leadership can still be important, but also hygiene factors like awards, certifications, other clients, company size can all infer safety and reduce opposition to being selected. The advertising also acts as a nudge effect, which can remind the buyer to act on an outstanding action. This in turn shortens the time taken for a deal to close.

Existing clients

Expanding your relationship with your existing clients is often easier than acquiring new ones. Highlighting your work with other offices or departments can open the door to conversations more broadly in a company. Warming up existing users with company targeted advertising can highlight successes increasing the likelihood of renewal.

Benefits of Account Based Advertising

Outsized brand awareness

Account based advertising allows you to narrowly target the right types of people at specific companies.

This increases the exposure to your brand by focusing your spend only on the right people within a desired account.

Know who to talk to

An advertising message is only acted upon when of interest currently. Understanding the interest levels of a target account allows sales and marketing to take advantage of a window of opportunity and make contact at the right time.

Accelerate pipeline

B2B buyers are both busy and wanting to make the right choice. Placing advertising that re-inforces your capabilities increases their comfort selecting you, while also acting as a nudge effect - reminding them to act on outstanding actions.

Download The 3 Key Steps to Succeeding with Account Based Advertising

You will find out how to:

  • Make the best use of insight for sales
  • Align sales and marketing to drive ongoing success
  • Design to drive results in an account based advertising programmes

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