Intent data is now a critical tool in the armoury for sales teams when generating leads. All business-to-business (B2B) companies are constantly seeking new ways to generate high-quality leads and drive revenue growth. Intent data does exactly this.

At any particular time, 5% of companies are in market and buying. Identifying companies who are in market in normal times is a challenge. But in uncertain economic times, generating leads becomes even harder.

Did you know you can boost your meeting generate by 30% by combining intent data with social selling?

Last week, I sat down with Alex Abbott, founder of Supero who has spent the past 12 months combining intent data with social selling.

We discussed how to approach social selling – and the 3 pillars which make social selling successful and how he combined intent data to know who to focus on and tweak messaging.

The changing buyer. The increasing number of stakeholders. The Covid-19 pandemic. All have served to transform the sales environment. Buyers are increasingly digital natives and less responsive to cold contact. Today, they also spend much less time with sales in the buying process. This page keeps track of all the sales statistics to help you understand the current environment.

We continuously update this page so check back for the latest updates.
(Last updated: July 2023).

The sales and marketing environment looks very different today to three or four years ago.

Enterprise buyers are 57% of the way through the buying cycle before contacting a vendor with only 19% spent with all vendors combined.


This combined with more stakeholders to nurture across more channels means change is a must. In turn, this has created an even greater need for more sales and marketing alignment. It has become a key topic as a result.

Creating joined up buying experiences that deliver in advance of first contact and right through to renewal increases and accelerates pipeline all while reducing churn.

Join us on 31st March at 11.30am BST to hear more on addressing sales and marketing alignment today. Attend here.