Author: Riaz Kanani
What is the dark funnel?
At its simplest the dark funnel is just word of mouth – where people share their knowledge, experiences or recommendations about a product or service with others. It can be both positive and negative and is often invisible to tracking by sales and marketing teams. Yet sales opportunities that enter the pipeline because of word…
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ThinkHuman: Maximising intent data with marketing
Did you know you can double the performance of your advertising campaigns by using intent data with marketing? I sat down with Karla Rivershaw, head of field and partner marketing at Infogrid, who has been using Bombora intent data (which is part of the Radiate B2B platform) since 2020. We discussed: From Karla: “Definitely, what…
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Maximising B2B Intent Data for Lead Generation
Intent data is now a critical tool in the armoury for sales teams when generating leads. All business-to-business (B2B) companies are constantly seeking new ways to generate high-quality leads and drive revenue growth. Intent data does exactly this. At any particular time, 5% of companies are in market and buying. Identifying companies who are in…
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How creative is your advertising?
We have been delivering company targeted B2B advertising (or account based advertising) for over 5 years now across the Internet and on LinkedIn. While demand continues to increase each year – it is the creativity associated with these campaigns that have seen a marked change over that period.
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The Ultimate Guide to Sales Statistics
The changing buyer. The increasing number of stakeholders. The Covid-19 pandemic. All have served to transform the sales environment. Buyers are increasingly digital natives and less responsive to cold contact. Today, they also spend much less time with sales in the buying process. This page keeps track of all the sales statistics to help you…
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ThinkHuman: The evolution of the outbound animal
Our next LinkedIn Live event is… well… live on Monday 23rd May at 12.30pm. Given the huge number of requests after the last session, we have focused on outbound sales. Specifically how outbound sales is evolving to respond to both a changing buyer demographic and a changing environment.
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ThinkHuman: The end of sales and marketing alignment. The Changing Face of Sales.
The sales and marketing environment looks very different today to three or four years ago. Enterprise buyers are 57% of the way through the buying cycle before contacting a vendor with only 19% spent with all vendors combined. Gartner This combined with more stakeholders to nurture across more channels means change is a must. In…
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How well do you know your Data?
Modern marketing programmes are built on data…But how well do you know your data? Knowing which data you need – and more importantly when to invest in it is critical to sales and marketing today. Investing too early can mean that it is stale by the time you need it – investing too late and…
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