Category: Sales

  • How do you find intent data?

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    Intent data helps B2B sales and marketing professionals understand who within their target audience are showing behaviour that suggests an interest in a particular area or topic. This may include people researching or interested to buy and everything in between. But how do you find intent data? Intent Data can be sourced from intent data…

    image of person looking out over expanse of cloud to represent the search for activity indicating intent.
  • The Ultimate Guide to Sales Statistics

    The changing buyer. The increasing number of stakeholders. The Covid-19 pandemic. All have served to transform the sales environment. Buyers are increasingly digital natives and less responsive to cold contact. Today, they also spend much less time with sales in the buying process. This page keeps track of all the sales statistics to help you…

  • ThinkHuman: The evolution of the outbound animal

    Our next LinkedIn Live event is… well… live on Monday 23rd May at 12.30pm. Given the huge number of requests after the last session, we have focused on outbound sales. Specifically how outbound sales is evolving to respond to both a changing buyer demographic and a changing environment.

    the evolution of the outbound sales animal
  • ThinkHuman: The end of sales and marketing alignment. The Changing Face of Sales.

    The sales and marketing environment looks very different today to three or four years ago. Enterprise buyers are 57% of the way through the buying cycle before contacting a vendor with only 19% spent with all vendors combined. Gartner This combined with more stakeholders to nurture across more channels means change is a must. In…