Tag: b2b advertising
Getting the most out of retargeting in B2B Advertising
The foundations of successful B2B advertising start with targeting your first party data – data that you own – and the best way to deliver success is with retargeting ads. Retargeting ads are 76% more likely to be clicked on than a regular ad.
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The Ultimate Guide to Account Based Advertising/Company Targeted Advertising
Account based advertising aka company targeted advertising allows a marketer to place advertising in front of a specific company on any website that takes advertising – be it the Financial Times, ESPN, HR magazine or in their LinkedIn newsfeed. A useful ability for any B2B marketer. This is increasingly required today, as ensuring key accounts…
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How creative is your advertising?
We have been delivering company targeted B2B advertising (or account based advertising) for over 5 years now across the Internet and on LinkedIn. While demand continues to increase each year – it is the creativity associated with these campaigns that have seen a marked change over that period.
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4 factors powering account based advertising today
With account based advertising increasing its own reach into the UK and European markets, what is it? Why is adoption increasing?
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