Category: Measurement
B2B Advertising and Testing
It should be no surprise that B2B Advertising and Testing go hand in hand. We often see significant differences in results between campaigns with the same hypothesis but different creative approaches. But it can be easy to get testing wrong.
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How do you find intent data?
Intent data helps B2B sales and marketing professionals understand who within their target audience are showing behaviour that suggests an interest in a particular area or topic. This may include people researching or interested to buy and everything in between. But how do you find intent data? Intent Data can be sourced from intent data…
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FlipMyFunnel London Launch
On Thursday 17th August, half a dozen intrepid B2B marketers gathered at the offices of Radiate B2B in central London for the inaugural meetup of the London chapter of FlipMyFunnel and a look at Account Based Marketing and its evolution into Account Based Everything (ABX).
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Metrics that matter
I was excited to attend, last month, the first London Account Based Marketing Meetup, organised by DemandBase. Quite apart from the sunshine, beer and pizzas they were kind enough to lay on, there was a vibrant discussion amongst the (mostly agency) attendees of experiences in developing and implementing ABM strategies. One area I found especially…
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